Who is ACCS?
Australian Community Children’s Services
Advocating nationally for the right of Australia’s children to access quality not for profit, community children’s services
ACCS is the peak body representing Australia’s not-for-profit community owned children’s services and those who support the right of children to access these services.
ACCS is committed to:
- Children, families and communities
- Children’s entitlements for the best care, education and health services
- Community ownership
- Connected services for children, families and local communities
- Cost effective services – not for profit
- Cultural diversity and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as custodians of the land
- We are building on the strong history of NACBCS (Est. 1982)
What are Community Children’s Services?
Community children’s services are operated as social enterprises, delivering high quality financially viable services which deliver public infrastructure for the long term; they are operated by a range of not-for-profit providers including local government, churches, educational institutions, parent associations/co-operatives and other non-government organisations.
They include centre based early childhood education and care (long day care/ kindergarten/ preschool) and occasional care, outside school hours care, and home based care such as family day care and in-home care. Community children’s services include emerging models of integrated child and family centres, and flexible innovative models for rural communities and for children and families with additional needs.
These services foster children’s development, support their families and build the community.
ACCS’ Aspiration for Australian families
Every family will have the choice of high quality not-for-profit children’s services.
We work towards the achievement of a vision in which every community will be supported by community children’s services characterised by:
- Access to high quality children’s services
- Social inclusion through active community ownership of children’s services
- Professional children’s services workforce
- Strong policy and legal framework
- Universal not-for-profit service delivery
How do you join?
ACCS is made up of state branches which bring together individuals and organisations who support quality not-for-profit community children’s services.
To join ACCS contact the branch in your state:
Carrie Johnson, carrie@seatoncommunitychildrenscentre.org.au
Linda Davison, clarendon.cc@kindergarten.vic.gov.au
Daniela Kavoukas, dkavoukas@cccinc.org.au
WA: Sara Hinchley, sara@childaustralia.org.au
For general information about ACCS contact: convenor.accssa@gmail.com